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Manage your trauma symptoms using the tools best suited to you

Life with trauma is hard.
If you’re struggling, you’re not alone. 

The re;mind self-help app is specifically designed to help you learn the tools you need to rebuild your mental health and wellbeing after trauma.

Wherever you are, whenever you need it. With you from the beginning.

Start your 7-day free trial now

re;mind self-help app login screen
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Trauma support for everyone.

We are on a mission to use technology to help people from all walks of life and circumstances better understand and recover from trauma. Providing access to clinically proven tools, support and knowledge to individuals and organisations.

Led by people with real-life experience of trauma.

We’re working with people who have lived experience of trauma, clinical & technical experts, drawing on academic research every step of the way.

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The facts

1 in 2 people will experience trauma in their lifetime

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4% of the UK population have diagnosable PTSD

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3 in 4 people don’t get any professional mental health support

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Fact, 1 in 2 people will experience trauma in their lifetime
Fact, 3 in 4 people don't get any professional mental health support
Fact, 4% of the UK population have diagnosable PTSD
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You are not alone

Helping you navigate trauma.

Who we work with & support

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